Upon the successful completion of the training program focused on energy transition and poverty as part of the GETA project, Aldijana Hodžić and her colleagues are now ready to undertake fieldwork. Their immediate objective is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of energy poverty within the community of Hadzici in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Aldijana shares her impressions: “I was particularly impressed by the teamwork as an indispensable part of the training and the mentoring support I received from Tarik, Nejra and Sajma. We had an exceptional team and top-notch organization. The possibility of open expression without fear of judgment is something that is rarely seen every day.”
Visit www.getaproject.eu for more information on the project activities!
The GETA project is co-financed by the European Union and is implemented by a partner consortium consisting of: LIFE Academy (Sweden), Univpm Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy), Environmental and Territorial Management Institute (Albania), Regional Education and Information Centre – REIC (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Municipality of Kavaje Njesia e Integrimit Europian – Bashkia Kavaje (Albania).