The kick off meeting of the project GETA was held 13-14 February 2023. Meeting was hosted by the Life Foundation in Karlstad, Sweden and the meeting gathered leading representatives (Managers) and researchers from partner organisations: University Polytechnic of Marche (UNIVPM) (ITALY), Environmental and Territorial Management Institute (ETMI) (ALBANIA), Regional Education and Information Center for Sustainable Development in SEE (REIC) (BOSNIA) and Municipality of Kavaje – ALBANIA (MOK) (ALBANIA).

Topics for the meeting aimed to introduce the cooperation, define its key aspects (Management, Quality Assurance, Evaluation, Communication and Dissemination) and plan the detailed tasks and deadlines of the research forming part of the Research Report.

โ€œFunded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.โ€

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